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First, I created the research question taking into account my English learning process: How can English teachers  reinforce the lexical competence in their students? (Mora, Martínez, Alzate-Pérez, Gómez-Yepes, & Zapata-Monsalve, 2012)​

Then, I searched for different vocabulary for my WebQuest. After that  I defined the task and  started looking for the sources.


Finally , I did the evaluation for students  in four categories: process, presentation, creativity, and summary. It will do trough a rubric with different rates: outstanding, good, acceptable, unacceptable.


Laura's experience: 

​​My Webquest topic: â€‹Knowing a person and his culture

Why:  I was interested in reinforcing students’ lexical competences because in some cases, students did not speak or participate in classes due to lack of lexis.

Task: production of their own Television show which illustrate vividly the life of a person and his culture.​

Challenges and solutions​​

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